Terms of service


  • User: A user is defined as any person who has registered to use any services supplied by Penguin Media, and/or any person using any registered account, or service owned or operated by Penguin Media.

  • Supplier: The supplier is defined as Penguin Media.

Expected usage

  • All users must not:

  • Use or access any account, or account details that are not related to their person and/or personal details.

  • Use threatening behaviour or bad language when interacting with any Penguin Media staff, or any other user.

  • Upload or download any illegal media or content, to or from servers used or owned by Penguin media.

  • Upload or download any media or content that has a sexual or pornographic nature, to or from servers used or owned by Penguin media.

  • Copy, or try to gain access to unauthorised software, information related to software, or any databases owned or used by the supplier.

Accountability of online actions, behaviour, and conduct

  • Any action deemed unsuitable by the supplier can result in termination of service by the supplier.

  • Any user who has gained unauthorized access, or has attempted to gain unauthorised access to information not related to their account will have their account terminated at the descretion of the supplier.

Privacy policy

  • The supplier agrees to not supply, or sell to any 3rd party, personal information provided by users for the purpose of registration to the service.

  • All users must agree to not supply, or sell to any 3rd party, or service, any information regarding any staff members or workers related to Penguin Media.

Account termination, opt-out policy, refusal of service

  • Opt-out: Users can opt-out at any time by using the discontinue service form supplied on the suppliers website. The termination of service will commence at the beginning of the next billing cycle, unless the supplier decides to terminate the service earlier.

  • Account termination and/or termination of service: The supplier reserves the right to cancel membership and/or terminate any service at any time, and for any reason deemed reasonable by the supplier. The termination may or may not extend to the end of any period, or billing cycle, and can be immediate if deemed necessary by the supplier.

  • Refusal of service: The supplier reserves the right to refuse service to any individual or business entity, at any time, and for any reason deemed reasonable by the supplier.


  • The supplier and any staff or workers related to the service provided by the supplier will not be held accountable for any misuse of the services supplied, and extends to any outcome related to the misuse of the services provided.

  • The supplier is not responsible for any media or content supplied by the user, and the media or content remains the property, and full responsibility of the user.

  • Any misuse of services remains the responsibility of the user.

  • The supplier is not responsible for any personal or financial damages and/or loss to a user, or any 3rd party in relation to the misuse of services.

  • The supplier is not responsible for any financial damages and/or loss to any company or business entity, in relation to the misuse of services.

  • The supplier is not responsible for any financial damages and/or loss to any company or business entity, in relation to the products and/or services supplied by the supplier.

Modification of terms of service

  • The supplier reserves the right to modify the terms of service at any time and for any reason.